IP vs TM

Intellectual Property (IP) vs. Trademark (TM)

Intellectual Property (IP)


Intellectual Property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names, and images used in commerce.

IP is divided into two categories

Industrial Property includes patents, trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications, and Copyright which includes literary and artistic works.

Who Requires IP Protection?


Those who have created a new product or process and need to protect their invention from being copied or used without permission.

Authors and Artists

Writers, musicians, filmmakers, and other artists who want to protect their original works.

Business Owners

Companies that have developed unique product designs or packaging.

Agricultural Producers

Those who want to protect geographic indications, ensuring products represent a certain place of origin and possess qualities or a reputation stemming from that place.

Trademark (TM)


A trademark is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises. Trademarks are protected by intellectual property rights and can be words, logos, sounds, colors, or combinations of these.

Who Requires TM Protection?

Business Owners: Companies that want to protect their brand identity in the marketplace.

Product Manufacturers: Those who have a unique product name or logo they want to protect.

Service Providers: Businesses that offer services and want to differentiate themselves from competitors.


Businesses that want to ensure consistent branding across multiple locations.

International IP and TM Protection:

As businesses expand globally, the need for international IP and TM protection becomes paramount.

Who Might Require International TM or IP?

Multinational Corporations: Companies that operate in multiple countries and want to ensure their IP is protected in all markets they operate in.

E-Commerce Businesses: Online businesses that sell products or services internationally.

Tech Startups

Innovators who plan to launch their products or services in multiple countries.

Artists and Authors

Those who publish or distribute their works internationally.


Brands that plan to expand their presence in international markets.

In the context of Australia, businesses that are looking to export their products or services, or those that have a significant online presence catering to an international audience, should consider international IP and TM protection. This ensures that their intellectual assets are safeguarded not just within Australia but also in key global markets they operate in or plan to enter.