Don't dress up as Batman, fly a kite, wearing a hot pink thong,

 at Brighton Beach after midday, on a Sunday.

Pink hot pants on Sundays (Victoria)

It is illegal to wear pink hot pants after midday on Sundays in Victoria. This law is rarely enforced, but it remains on the books.

This law may be a remnant of outdated societal norms and dress codes from the past.

Batman, on a beach in a pink thong holding a kite.

Dressing up as Batman and Robin

It is illegal to impersonate Batman and Robin in Victoria. This law stems from a 1966 case where two men were arrested for dressing up as the dynamic duo and patrolling the streets.

Kite Flying Annoyance (Victoria)

It is illegal to fly a kite "to the annoyance of any person."

This law is meant to prevent nuisance behavior. While kite flying itself is not illegal, it becomes an offense if it disturbs or annoys others.

Swimming attire (Victoria)

In Brighton Beach, Melbourne, you must wear a neck-to-knee swimsuit to swim. This law is from the Victorian era and is no longer enforced.

This law is a relic of the Victorian era's conservative attitudes towards swimwear and is no longer enforced.

Potato Hoarding (Western Australia)

It's an offense to possess more than 50 kg or 110 pounds of potatoes in Western Australia unless you're a licensed potato dealer.

This law dates back to 1946, when the Potato Marketing Corporation regulated the industry to ensure fair prices and prevent shortages. While the Corporation is no longer active, the law remains on the books.

Pigeon Ownership (Various States)

It is generally illegal to keep a pigeon found on the street as a pet.

Pigeons can carry diseases, and these laws are likely in place to protect public health and prevent the spread of disease.

Seabird Droppings (Western Australia)

You need a license to collect or clean up seabird droppings in Western Australia.

Seabird droppings (guano) can be collected for fertilizer, but it's regulated to protect the environment and ensure sustainable collection practices.

Wedding Crashing (South Australia)

It's an offense to obstruct or disturb a wedding or funeral in South Australia, carrying a hefty fine.

Fake Job Ads (Queensland)

It's illegal to post a fake job advertisement in Queensland.

Carrying a bale of hay in a taxi (Queensland)

While taxis in Queensland aren't specifically required to carry a bale of hay anymore, the law requiring them to do so was once on the books. It dates back to the days when horse-drawn taxis were common and the hay was meant to feed the horses and was intended to ensure the welfare of the animals.

Vacuuming Restrictions (Victoria)

In Melbourne, it's illegal to use your vacuum cleaner between 10 pm and 7 am on weekdays or between 10 pm and 9 am on weekends.

This law likely originated to prevent noise disturbances in residential areas during hours when people are typically sleeping or resting.

Singing obscene songs (Victoria)

Under the Summary Offences Act of 1966, it's illegal for someone to hear you singing an obscene song in public.

This law is meant to maintain public decency and prevent offensive behaviour in public spaces.

Cat burglar attire (Victoria)

It is illegal to roam the streets in Victoria wearing black clothes, felt shoes, and black shoe polish on your face. These items are considered the "tools of a cat burglar."

This law aims to deter criminal activity by making it illegal to possess items associated with burglaries.